Monday, November 01, 2010

the good the bad and the other.

life, it seems i'm living it. weather i asked for it or not. weather i try to or don't, im living a life. there are so many people, so many lives, its hard to fathom while walking down the street that every person we see has a life of their own that we know nothing of. that they have a family most likely, friends, a job, passions, dreams, desires, fear, love and questions. for me it's hard to live a life and not think of this. its hard to look over a city and see people or look around on a plane and not think... wow every person here is a person.... has life... but at the same time as a twenty-something male its hard sometimes for me to not think "its all about me". to not think the world revolves around me and my life and my wife and parents and siblings and friends.
man its tough to think that everyone out there has a life, and that the world isn't just about me. it might sound narcissistic, but honestly this is how i think. its not how i should think or want to think. but it is sometimes ... a lot of the time how i live my life. I think about my bills, my food, my leisure time, how i'm feeling... its crazy. i can be driving down the road and another driver will do something stupid and i'll think or say something ridiculous about them, you know what im talking about. and i forget this person as bad as they might be driving is a person with a life... just like me...
like me? wait a minute this means the person behind the till at the grocery store, the cop that pulled me over for speeding, the bank teller, the guy who drops off my mail and every random person who walks by me, sits beside me in a theatre, bus, train... the guy that won't stop calling and trying to sell me better long distance rates.... they are all people just.... like.... me....
what should i do with this information? how do i continue living my life realizing that everyone is a person. everyone has life. everyone everyone everyone out there is just as important as i think i am, or as i think my favourite people in life are.

A life is a life is a life.
ok this is messed up. People seem so interchangeable, no matter where i go there is always someone there to get groceries from, or buy gas from or rent an apartment from... so how can everyone be important? everyone means a lot of people. like i know how my wife is important. and my friends, i know how they are important too, and my family. But the guy who i bought some milk from at the corner store? How is he important aside from that? .... well i guess he is a whole person with a whole life, friends family religion, things that are important to him, me not being one of them likely.
But he has a life. He is a person. He is important. not to me... but he should be. Because he is something important.

I believe God made people in his own image.
I believe life in't a mistake and that God has his hand in every life.
I believe everyone is different.
I believe God is so big that we may even in Heaven never know the end of his enormity.
I believe God is so unimaginably awesome that he can put a a different part of his image in every person that has ever been created.
And when we meet people when we get to know people we are actually getting a glimpse of God's own image. Maybe just a fraction or less but its there. So the more we know someone the more of God's image we can see, the more people we know the more of God's image can be reviled to us. I want to know God more. I want to see more of him.
So is that why every person is important? Or is it because life is precious, a miracle, and beautiful. I don't know. I just know i want to take more time for people. To be fair, caring and loving. Because i know i like it when people are that way towards me. It's important to care for people i know that. But why is my question today.


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